About nine years ago I took two young horses to a vet-dentist. Stocks..drugs..head tied up…power tools… My horses freaked out halfway through the process and got out of the stocks and before I could get the rope was staggering across a 5-lane highway. To say the least I was scared to dead and calmly got him off the road. Lucky only a few cuts.. I have been scared to put any horse through that again.. I personally don’t like drugs for horses or us unless totally needed.

Just had to give you a big Thank You for your online program. As I told you I had a bad experience with my horse years back being floated the modern way… 😉 so I have not had any teeth work done for years. I hate to say I can’t tell you when I had my 20 year old was done last. But he doesn’t miss any feed… But has lost a lot of his top line since winter.

Well wanting to take some of the new information I have learned to hands on for a better understanding I grabbed my old gelding. Note I had watched a few videos yesterday first of you and Melissa. Well I was a little surprised somewhat to find two large wholes in his bottom lip from teeth #403 & 303. With some old cheaper floats we’ve had for years I took off the sharp edges. He was a good student letting me check the rest of his teeth. yep cheek teeth lateral sides all need floated. Attaching the photo.

Plus sold an 8yrs gelding last night for a client I’ve been working at my place… Buyers asked about floating history on him…I had no history… and wondered if he had his wolf teeth.. A week ago I would not have been able to answers her… lol. But being a great young horse and your training though the videos and a little practice with my older horse earlier I felt confident to check. I felt none at this time and the 6’s felt good too.

Thank you for give us the great tool of online learning.

So excited to continue learning and working to help horses….

Sincerely Wendy Curry

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